Accepted for BULLSHIT
Some great news — my short story, “(In)authentic Augur”, will be appearing in the Second BULLSHIT Anthology from BULLSHIT Lit! The print anthology is due to release in winter (northern summer) 2023. I look forward to sharing more details as soon as I can. (Source for post image: BULLSHIT Lit.)
Three Print Publications
A particularly belated update…! Since last I wrote, three more of my pieces have been published. July saw the release of Vocivia Magazine‘s ‘Chronos’ issue, in which my short story “A Hitch in Time (Is Not Fine)” can be read in glossy print or online. Please consider buying a physical copy, because the editors have…
“A Perfectly Worldly Poison” in Oranges Journal
It’s been a winter full of releases for me—most recently, my short story “A Perfectly Worldly Poison” appeared in the virtual pages of Oranges Journal. (Please be advised that the linked story includes themes of addiction and suicide.) It’s more solemn in tone than some of my other pieces which have been published so far,…
Two Poems Out
Can you believe that June is already over? I’ve had two new publications this month, both released online. My sonnet “Vaticinated” is out now with Boats Against the Current. Elsewhere, my villanelle “Hope at Its Core” is in the second issue of Amphora Magazine. Please give them a read! (Source for post image: Amphora Magazine.)