Poetry Acceptance

Logo for Boats Against the Current. In pastel colours, four swallows are silhouetted over a sailboat. The magazine's name is written in a half-circle around the graphic.

Something a bit different—I’ll be seeing my first poem in print* this June thanks to Boats Against the Current! “Vaticinated” is a foray into formal poetry and I am (nervously) looking forward to being able to share it with the world. More updates to come, of course.

Remember to pre-order B O N E M I L K to read my short story “Blister & Blain” (in Volume III and in Mayhem — out soon).

* NB: I drafted up this blog post before my poem-ish piece “The Language of Flowers—” was accepted and published in The Minison Zine! I’m still going to count “Vaticinated” as my first formal poem in print. Or maybe my first poem accepted to print. Or should I call the floriographical piece something other than a poem?

(Source for post image: Boats Against the Current.)